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Select Board Minutes 07/07/2015
Tuesday July 7, 2015 7 pm
Holland Town Hall
27 Sturbridge Road
Holland, MA

Present: Lawrence Mandell, Chair
Elias Gillen, Member
Kelli Robbins, Executive Secretary

Mr. Mandell called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm

Mr. Mandell, postponed reading of the minutes of July 1, 2015 until the next meeting.

Old Business

ITT46 – Carahsoft – Mr. Mandell explained that the company is out of state and could not set up a demonstration.  

Motion 070715-1 – Mr. Mandell, to contact Carahsoft to give the Select Board a presentation on the information they provided and answer questions before any decision is made. 2nd Mr. Gillen. So voted.

Building hours for Town hall – Mr. Mandell stated the Select Board has control and oversight of the Town Hall.  As such, the Select Board can actually close the building to the public on Thursday to attempt to force the Board of Health to meet on Tuesdays. That being said, after much thought, it has been decided that taking that route would cause more harm than good. Mr. Mandell stated that the harm outweighs any good it may accomplish. Mr. Mandell then strongly encouraged the Board of Health to return to the Tuesday night schedule with the other permitting boards.

Bonding town officials and employees – Mr. Mandell stated that our current insurance coverage appears to be insufficient in protecting people who are working for the town in their official capacity, so the Board would like to investigate alternative coverage and possibly bonding.  

Motion 070715-2 Mr. Mandell, to continue to investigate bonding and alternatives. 2nd Mr. Gillen. So voted.
When there is definitive information the Board will revisit during a meeting to report.

New Business

  • At the end of a fiscal year the Select Board is granted authority to transfer remaining funds from accounts that are not depleted to cover the accounts that had higher expenses than anticipated.  For example, with the electric energy increase, the street lighting cost around $9,000.00 more than anticipated. The Select Board was presented with a request from the town Accountant with the amounts and accounts to be transferred from and to.  See attached.
Motion 070715-3, Mr. Mandell to transfer from remaining funds, $27,433.00 to balance the fiscal 2015 budget. 2nd Mr. Gillen. So voted.
  • Appointments to various Boards and Committees as follows:
  • Cable Commission –
  • Andrew Livernois
  • Angelina Cassavant
  • Benjamin Merriman
  • Jennifer Livernois
  • Judith Livernois
  • Kyle Ashleigh
  • Shelby Bauman
  • Sue Sanders
  • Tyrus Boudreau
  • Conservation Commission
  • Jeanne Collin
  • Marcia Beal
  • Cultural Counsel
  • Denise Cote
  • Charlotte Lundgren
  • Carol Fuller
  • Nancy Peloquin
  • Holly Gillen
  • Zoning Board of Appeals
  • Ronald Seaburg
  • Donald Beal
  • Lake Oversight Committee
  • John Stevens
  • Lynn Arnold
  • Suzanne Wilbur
  • Chad Brigham
Motion 070715-4, Mr. Mandell to appoint the above named. 2nd Mr. Gillen. So voted.
  • Mr. Mandell explained that Mr. Ference has resigned his position on the Board of Health, as such, Mr. Dymon is running unopposed.  Mr. Mandell stated that the Board of Health is a completely defunct group causing delays within and without.  Mr. Mandell stated that the Board of Health needs to behave in a professional way that does not reflect poorly on the Town and the Board of Health.  
Mr. Mandell went on to say he wants to see a timelier permitting processing, without delays but not taking shortcuts. Mr. Mandell explained that the Board of Health holds a very important job which includes the health of the community. That Board protects water sources, needs accurate record keeping, timely posting of minutes. The Health Board is under an intense spotlight by the town and the Select Board.  Mr. Mandell stated the Select Board can, but does not want to, initiate the change of the Board of Health from and elected board to an appointed board who will be directly answerable to the Select Board if things do not get better. Over the next 6 months, the Select Board hopes to see the Health Board behave and perform better.
Motion 070715-5, Mr. Mandell, to appoint Bob Dymon to the Board of Health until the election. 2nd Mr. Gillen. So voted.

Mr. Gillen read the following statement:
In the past week someone pointed out to us that one of the responsibilities of Selectmen is communication, conveying important information to the public.~ Tonight it falls to me to share some news of yet another lawsuit that could very well impact the upcoming special election
I will remind you, in this year’s budget we were forced to raise the line item $10,000 in response to ongoing litigation, and that was without planning for this most recent filing.~~ Papers were served on June 26th to 28 members of our community by Constable Chris McCooe.~ This lawsuit, filed by Dana Manning, is a 230 page document with many different issues wrapped into it, but the main goal seems to be to stop, or at least, delay the recall vote set for Aug 10th.~ I will be attending the hearing tomorrow with town counsel to witness the results of the request for an injunction.~ We hope this will be a situation quickly cleared up, but we need to be prepared to go the distance and see it through to the end.~
I think I speak for many when I say this approach to solve problems or prove who is right --or wrong has been a drain on our communities resources, not only financial but of people willing to put their time and effort in to serve this community.~ I think it is well beyond time to find a more civil way to resolve our differences,~time to set aside egos and personalities and deal with issues in a way that will not cost our town tens of thousands of dollars each year.~ Simply put, it’s time to be adults and be able to settle issues without going into a courtroom every time.
I don’t expect change to happen overnight, but it’s time.~ We will make every effort to make town hall a place to come to solve issues and move things forward.~ Now we call on people in town to work toward that goal as well.~
On a more positive note Mr. Gillen explained that he had recently attended the local graduation at the high school.  Many towns give out scholarships to their local students. Holland falls far short in that area. The only scholarship offered by Holland comes directly from the Elementary school teachers.  Mr. Gillen stated that his grandfather was also in public service to his community as a politician and an educator. Mr. Gillen announced the creation of the George F. Gillen Memorial Scholarship.  Mr. Gillen pledged to commit to two(2) $500.00 scholarships, one for a tech student and one for an academic student for as long as he is serving the town.  Mr. Mandell then announced that he was very excited by this proposition and pledged to match Mr. Gillen’s contributions making the scholarship $1000 each.
Bid opening for the annual highway bids: Mr. Mandell read out the contractors’ names who bid. (available at the town hall)
Motion 070715-6 – Mr. Mandell, to take all bids under advisement. 2nd Mr. Gillen. So voted.
  • Candidates’ Night will be held on July 24, 2015 at the Community Center
  • Special Election August 10, 2015 from 10 am to 8 pm
  • There will be a public hearing for work to be done by National Grid. The abutters will be notified as the date of the hearing.
  • Lieutenant P. Swain announced that the Holland Police department would be holding a town cookout on July 16th at the Holland Community Center from 6-8 and they were inviting the whole town.
Appointments :  none

Public Access   - Andrew Harhay asked, if the recall is cancelled or postponed would it effect the remainder of the election. Mr. Mandell stated it would not.

Mr. Mandell motion to adjourn, seconded Mr. Gillen. So voted at 7:30 pm.
Next meeting to be July 21, 2015.